Our guest speaker Alison Shamir will discuss the theme Cracking the code – innovation for a gender equal and equitable future #embraceequity which not only shines the light on the importance of Women having equal opportunities but on ensuring these opportunities are also equitable. Equity acknowledges that all Women don’t begin life in the same place, and that circumstances can make it more difficult for Women to achieve the same goals as Men. It’s a day to open our minds, celebrate the advancements of Women, challenge our own unconscious biases and come together in allyship to build the most equal and equitable workplaces of the future.
Our aim is to challenge your thinking, open your mind, and provide some practical tools and takeaways to innovate change, while also providing an opportunity to network with other local professionals.
So please join us and our guest Speaker, Alison Shamir on Wednesday 1 March 2023 as we explore:
Alison Shamir is an International Speaker, Certified Career Coach and Media Contributor who specialises in Confidence & Imposter Syndrome. Through her work, Alison empowers global organisations/teams with the knowledge, tools and methods grounded in science they need to overcome workplace challenges, fears and doubts and present and perform as their most confident selves. Alison is a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community, passionate about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, held Leadership roles across the Technology and Media/Publishing sectors and is a former Board Director of a Marketing Technology Company. She combines both lived experience and professional expertise to help her clients make transformative change.
Dress for Success Newcastle will be joining us on the day to share how this volunteer led organisation help Newcastle women in need by providing a range of free services including styling and clothing for job interviews and other life events, a network of support, coaching and career development tools that help women achieve financial independence. Our event will be participating in their Empower Hour and donations can be made online here or on the day.
Level 1, 56 Hudson Street
Hamilton NSW 2303
Newcastle Office (02) 4969 6600
3/6 Castlereagh Street
Singleton NSW 2330
Singleton Office (02) 5542 8165
Suite A & B, 78 York Street
East Gosford NSW 2250
East Gosford Office (02) 02 4092 4111