Credibility and investor confidence depend on running a tight ship.
Independent auditors play an important role in maintaining investor confidence, while assisting Management and the Board of Directors to unlock efficiency opportunities within an organisation.
We take our role as independent auditors as an extremely important one. While often driven by legislation or Government mandates, Lambourne Partners ensures the provision of assurance service is an opportunity for continuous development and opportunity, rather than simply a compliance “tick the box” obligation.
Our Audit & Assurance team has detailed knowledge in the provision of:
- Financial statement audits
- Internal audit and reviews
- Risk management services
- Preparation and presentation of financial statements
- Probity audits
- Compliance audits and grant funding acquittals.
We specialise in providing services to privately and publicly owned companies, not for profits, registered Clubs and Local and State Government entities.
Read Article: Audit Value for Directors
Contact us below for a complimentary meeting to discuss our Audit & Assurance services.