Purchasing Your Business Premises in an SMSF – Why it Takes a Team
Purchasing Your Business Premises in an SMSF – Why it Takes a Team

Over the years, Lambourne Partners has assisted a range of clients in structuring the purchase and finance of their business premises in their Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF). The benefits of this strategy include greater asset protection, lower income tax and Capital Gains Tax (CGT) rates, accessing CGT concessions, and paying off and growing an investment […]

How to Approach Superannuation Planning in Your 20s, 30s, 40s & 50s
How to Approach Superannuation Planning in Your 20s, 30s, 40s & 50s

It’s never too early or too late to start planning for life after work, but where do you begin? If you’ve been thinking about the future and what it might look like, then please see our guide below. There’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach to superannuation, but based on your stage of life it can help to […]

Purchasing Property Through an SMSF Explained
Purchasing Property Through an SMSF Explained

Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) are a popular choice for Australians who wish to have a higher degree of control over the investment of their superannuation. SMSFs operate under the same rules as other super funds, such as retail and industry super funds, but have the potential to allow investment in direct property and control […]

Demystifying Defined Benefit Schemes
Demystifying Defined Benefit Schemes

A defined benefit scheme is a fund where an employee receives a specified pension payment, lump-sum, or combination of the two on ceasing employment. The payment is determined by a formula based on a variety of factors that can include your earnings history, contributions to the fund, and length of time in the job. Both […]

Introducing Lachlan Ashelford
Introducing Lachlan Ashelford

Lachlan Ashelford – international wealth expert joins Lambourne Partners