30th June 2024 Tax Planning
30th June 2024 Tax Planning

It’s almost tax time again! 30th June is approaching fast, and timing is important with this deadline.  As such the time to act is now. Below is a guide on some of the main things to consider for yourself and your business at this time. Our Top Tax Tips Pay June quarter employee super contributions now […]

It’s A Little Easier To Be Green… If You Are In The Market For An EV
It’s A Little Easier To Be Green… If You Are In The Market For An EV

by Georgia King The Federal Government has recently introduced Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) concessions relating to electric vehicles (EVs) that can result in substantial after-tax savings for businesses and employees. There may be no better time to cash in on your green credentials, not only helping the environment, but also your bottom line. We’ve run […]

Maximising Your Wealth: The Importance Of Seeking Tax Planning Advice Before 30 June
Maximising Your Wealth: The Importance Of Seeking Tax Planning Advice Before 30 June

As the 2023 financial year draws to a close, it’s crucial to consider the benefits of seeking professional tax planning advice before 30 June. While taxes may not be the most exciting topic, proper planning can help you optimise your financial situation and ensure you don’t miss out on valuable opportunities. Engaging the services of […]

Don’t Forget To Pay Your Employees’ Superannuation On Time, Big Brother At The ATO Is Watching…
Don’t Forget To Pay Your Employees’ Superannuation On Time, Big Brother At The ATO Is Watching…

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is using its Single Touch Payroll (STP) reporting system to enhance its monitoring, identification, and auditing of employers who are failing to pay their employees’ superannuation contributions. STP is an electronic reporting system that allows employers to report salary and wage information, payroll tax, and superannuation contributions to the ATO. […]

Property Development Can’t Be That Hard, Can It?
Property Development Can’t Be That Hard, Can It?

The recent boom in property prices has resulted in many property investors making large profits out of their property investments. These profits have encouraged property investors to think about how they can further expand their property holdings and profits, and for a lot of investors their thoughts turn to property development. Every property investor at […]