by Sheree King

Losing a spouse is both emotional and challenging, and widows and widowers often experience a new financial reality that can be overwhelming to navigate alone.

Seeking financial advice is essential to help widows and widowers understand their financial situation and make informed decisions.

How Getting Financial Advice Can Help

A financial advisor can assist in creating a budget, managing investments, and planning for the future. Additionally, a financial advisor can provide guidance on legal and financial matters related to probate and estate planning and they are knowledgeable about state-specific laws.

Besides practical financial advice, a financial advisor can also offer emotional support to help widows and widowers understand their feelings about money and to set financial goals aligned with their values. This is crucial for moving forward and achieving a sense of security and stability. Investment is another critical area where a financial advisor can assist, guiding widows and widowers in understanding the different types of investments available and how to diversify their portfolio to minimise risk.

It’s important to remember that the role of financial advice is not only to manage finances but also to plan for the future. A financial advisor can help widows and widowers create a retirement plan that ensures they have enough money to live comfortably in their later years, especially if they have lost their primary source of income due to the passing of their spouse.

How We Can Help

As a widow or widower, seeking financial advice is vital to help you manage your finances, plan for the future, and to receive emotional support during a challenging time. Finding a financial advisor you trust and feel comfortable working with can alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty that comes with losing a spouse, giving you a sense of control over your financial situation.

At Lambourne Partners, we understand the emotional and financial challenges that come with losing a spouse. We offer a range of financial services to help widows and widowers navigate this difficult time. Our goal is to help you achieve financial security and peace of mind.

If you are interested in speaking with Sheree, please get in touch below or call us on (02) 4969 6600.

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