The Effects of COVID-19 on Your Business Valuation
The Effects of COVID-19 on Your Business Valuation

A little over 12 months ago during the first round of COVID-19, I penned an article discussing the importance of what is ‘known or knowable’ as at the valuation date. At the time, COVID-19 was called a once in a 100-year event, but a year later we are coming out of what for many has […]

Business Valuations & Subsequent Events: Why it Matters if They Were ‘Known or Knowable’
Business Valuations & Subsequent Events: Why it Matters if They Were ‘Known or Knowable’

It seems like every other conversation I have with colleagues, clients and business owners these days includes the line “in these times of uncertainty…” As valuers, we are always thinking about uncertainty.  At a basic level, all the valuer is asking is – what are the expected future earnings of the business, and what is […]

Business Valuation and how to calculate goodwill
Business Valuation and how to calculate goodwill

How exactly do you work out a business valuation? Did you know that a business’s value is measured by a number of factors. These include its ability to generate profit or a return on an investment. However ‘goodwill’ is also an influencing factor and a harder one to calculate.