A little over 12 months ago during the first round of COVID-19, I penned an article discussing the importance of what is ‘known or knowable’ as at the valuation date. At the time, COVID-19 was called a once in a 100-year event, but a year later we are coming out of what for many has […]
READ MOREAs you’re no doubt aware, the Federal and State Governments have announced further financial support packages to assist businesses and employees who have been impacted by the Greater Sydney lockdown. These packages apply to businesses and employees right across NSW, and not just in the Greater Sydney lockdown region. This package may not apply directly […]
READ MOREEveryone in Australia has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to some degree. With the disruption to our work and social lives, it is one of the most significant challenges many of us have ever faced. But what has it meant for our money and financial wellbeing? The Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) recently […]
READ MOREOn 21 July 2020, the Government announced that JobKeeper 1.0 will remain until 27 September 2020, and following this JobKeeper 2.0 will continue for a further 6 months to 28 March 2021 but with tighter access and reduced rates. From 28 September 2020, employers seeking to claim JobKeeper payments will need to reassess their eligibility […]
READ MOREIn a time of crisis, clear, concise & proactive communication creates calm. This was the message we reinforced to our team when the number of COVID-19 cases kept rising throughout March 2020 and the situation intensified. On Monday 16 March, we sat down together as a leadership group and enacted our continuity plan on how […]