On Friday the 1st of December, we held the 12th annual Lambourne Partners Charity Golf Day at the Newcastle Golf Club in Fern Bay. The event has raised $180,000 for local charities since 2011.

This year our selected charity was Family Support Newcastle (FSN). FSN recognises the isolation and challenges that men can face during times of relationship breakdown, as a parent, mental health challenges, and managing their well-being. We understand this first-hand through the work that our Men’s Workers, Roger Currie and Mark Hoppe, do through one-on-one counselling and group work.

This Year We Raised $29,000.00 For Family Support Newcastle

Sue Hellier CEO of Family Support Newcastle (FSN) was completely overwhelmed and very grateful for the outcome.

“This is the largest donation we have ever received. This means our men’s program will be able to continue doing their work managing their well-being and mental health after relationship breakdowns.  Thank you for assisting us to keep this service available.”

Lambourne Partners would like to thank our sponsors, raffle prize donors, and players who attended the day. Without their exceptionally generous support, the day would not be possible.


Allweld Services, Australian Wide Fire Supplies, Knight Frank, St George, Shaw Gidley, Travis Partners, NAB, Movable, MMS Engineering, Insight Building Services, Aaron Walter Century 21 Real Estate, Ausure Insurance Newcastle, Judo Bank, R & D Technology, Kingston Building, Peter Jacob Recruitment, Snooze Bennetts Green, Kotara and Rutherford, and LP Consulting.

Photos From The Day